Blacktop Wasteland
by S. A. Cosby

Gray Planet Commentary
- Compelling, but ultimately a violent downer.
Gray Planet Indices
Good Book Index: 85/100
Literature Index: 75/100
Magic Factor: 60/100
Blacktop Wasteland by S. A. Cosby is a compelling book written with verve and immediacy. Cosby uses a realistic vernacular at times that immerses the reader in his characters and their culture. Over and over he provides imagery and similes like I have never read before–creative and perfect for his purpose. There is a lot to like here and I found myself forced to continue reading even after I realized that this was not a book for me.
There are no heroes in this book, despite what you may think in the first few chapters. There is revenge and anger and violent justice outside of the rule of law. If that’s your thing, you will love this book. But if you want something more, something that is revelatory about the human condition, and our ability to redeem ourselves despite our circumstances, look elsewhere.
Perhaps the meaning in Blacktop Wasteland is that redemption is not available to some, and I get that. But that view is so hopeless it makes me reluctant to recommend the book, particularly in today’s circumstances. In my old age and in this age of pandemic, I want at least a hint of the positive, a touch of hope that the world can be made better rather than the despair Cosby has given me.
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